Research Grants and Contracts
Research Grants
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council NSERC, Discovery Grant
April 1, 2018, 5 years
Development of a virtual reality usability framework that correlates physiological and
qualitative assessment data
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
MITACS Accelerate
October 2020, 2 years
Empowering a Collaborative Service Robot Prototype for Long-term Care Facilities
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Partner: JDQ Systems and Developmental Disabilities Association
Ontario Tech University.
January – April 2022
Upskilling simulation technologists and educators with digital design and three-dimensional (3D) printing skills to create low cost, customizable simulation solutions.
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Collaborators: Bill Kapralos, Adam Dubrowski, Peter Coppin
Partners: maxSimHealth, Lakeridge Health, SIMCanada
Ontario Micro-credentials Challenge Fund.
January 2022 – July 2022.
Development of Micro-credential in Dementia Care to Support Capacity Building in Long-Term Care Using GEM-TECH (Gamified Educational Multimodal Technology Platform).
PI: Winnie Sun
Collaborators: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Adam Dubrowski, Bill Kapralos.
Partners: Durham College, Georgian College, Long Term Care & Services for Seniors Division, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, Baycrest Geriatric Education Centre, Alzheimer’s Society of Durham Region, Entity4 French Language Health Services Planning, maxSIMhealth (Ontario Tech University)
Digital Delivery XR Experimentation Project Grant eCampus Ontario.
July 2021 – March 2022.
Augmented Reality Accessible Tool for Developing Spatial Skills.
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Peter Coppin, Mahadeo Sukhai, Teresa Lee, Sharman Perera, Adam Dubrowski, David Rojas. Industry Partner: SenseTech Solutions
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Office, Advancing Accessibility Standards Research Grants and Contributions Program
November 2021 – October 2024
A Study of Accessible and Inclusive Virtual and Blended Service Provision Models for the Federal Public Service and Federally Regulated Industries in post-COVID-19 Canada
PI: Patrick Hung
Co-applicants: Mahadeo Sukhai, Peter Coppin, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Office, Advancing Accessibility Standards Research Grants and Contributions Program
October 2020 – September 2023
Building an Evidence-Based Framework for Universal Design in Employment Standards in Canada
PI: Mahadeo Sukhai, CNIB
Co-applicants: Yvonne Felix, Matisse Hamel-Nelis, Natalie Martiniello, Jon Callagher, Peter Coppin, Rebecca Gewurtz, Teresa Lee, Sall Lindsay, Valerie Lopes, Mary Ann McColl, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, J Treviranus, Wittich Walter, M Mcdonald, E Tompa, Brian Carrière, Shikha Gupta, E Krohn, Erin Lee, Dan Samosh, Patrick Hung, Danika Blackstock
Current community safety project grant, Government of Ontario
September 2021 – August 2022.
Playing with hate: Safe gaming and anti-hate gaming.
PI: Barbara Perry
Co-applicants: Ricky Veerapan, David O’Brien, Tom Scholberg. Collaborators: Andrew Hogue, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo.
Partner: John Howard Society of Ottawa
eCampus Ontario
April 2021 – March 2022.
Capturing Volumetric Video Content for Remote Learning in the Studio Arts.
PI: Andrew Hogue
Co-applicants: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Cindy Poremba, Veronika Szkudlarek, Nick Fox-Gieg
eCampus Ontario
April 2021 – March 2022.
Development of an XR-Art Studio Application to Enhance Remote Learning of the Traditional Arts.
PI: Andrew Hogue
Co-applicants: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Veronika Szkudlarek, Roland van Oostveen
eCampus Ontario
April 2021 – March 2022.
Build a remotely accessible non-immersive Virtual Reality (VR) model and simulations of the CANDU nuclear reactor for online teaching and training.
PI: Sharman Perera
Co-applicants: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Callan Brown, Akira Tokuhiro, Paul Walsh, Cliff Chan, Calin Zamfirescu, Shawn Lowe, Benjamin Rouben
January 2021 – January 2023
Accessible Coding Camps for Youth with Visual Impairment
PI: Patrick Hung
Co-applicants: Mahadeo Sukhai, Peter Coppin, Robert Ingino, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Anna McNichol.
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
March 2021 – February 2022.
Virtual Reality Reminiscence Therapy Applications for Persons with Dementia.
PI: Winnie Sun
Collaborators: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Manon Lemonde, Ramiro Liscano, Sheri Horsburgh. Partner: SSHRC
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (Spark ON)
April 2021 – March 2022
The Development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Training and Mobile App for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment and Their Caregivers to Promote Social Connectedness in the Community
PI: Winnie Sun
Collaborators: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Bill Kapralos, Manon Lemonde, Ramiro Liscano, Emma Bartfay, Sheri Horsburgh
University of Toronto
March 2020 – April 2023
Twin-Twin simulator
PI: David Rojas Gualdron PhD
Collaborators: Rory Windrim. Collaborators: Bill Kapralos, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
March 2020 - February 2021.
Development of a serious game as a complementary tool to improve agriculture exporters access to information.
PI: William Vargas
Co-applicant: Enit Gomez, Byron Perez, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Ontario Tech University and Ontario Shores
October 2019 – June 2021
Advancing reminiscence therapy through virtual reality application to promote social connectedness of persons with dementia.
PI: Winnie Sun
Co-applicant: Manon Lemonde, Bill Kapralos, Ramiro Liscano, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Akira Tokuhiro
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
March 2019 - April 2020
Applied virtual reality for lower back pain physiotherapy as a tool to alter pain perception and its tracking through physiological measures and user interactions through non-invasive techniques Phase I
PI: Lina Penuela
Co-applicants: Jorge Tolosa, Alexandra Velasco, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council NSERC, Engage Grant
March 29 – September 30, 2019
VR framework as a non-literacy alternative to increase work readiness awareness for job seekers
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Industry partner: ORIGIN
Innovation York and the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program, Type: Industrial Research Assistance Program Collaborative/competitive adaptive VR training environments
PI: Michael Jenkin
Co-applicants: Bill Kapralos, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Industry partner Ocutherapy
UOIT SSHRC Small Grants Program
June 2018 - March 2019
Usability testing of a gamified educational network
PI: Bill Kapralos
Co-applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
March 2018 - February 2019
Design and development of a virtual reality simulator prototype for myocardial infarction treatment phase I
PI: Byron Perez Gutierrez
Co-applicants: Norman Jaimes, Osmar Perez, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, Bill Kapralos, David Rojas
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
February 2017 – February 2018
Development of a monitoring posture exergame prototype based on occupational health exercises for maintenance workers phase I
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Bill Kapralos, David Rojas, Lina Peñuela
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
February 2017 – February 2018
Development of a multimodal tool for cardiac auscultation training phase I
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Bill Kapralos, David Rojas, Byron Pérez.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
February 2015 – February 2017
Central venous access pediatric simulator phase I
PI: Byron Pérez
Co-applicants: Alvaro Uribe, Norman Jaimes
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
February 2014 – April 2015
Neonatal Central Venous Access Simulator
PI: Byron Pérez
Co-applicants: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
February 2014 – April 2015
Interactive tool for lower limb physical activity monitoring
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Byron Pérez
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Innovation Grant
March 2014 – May 2015
Interactive defibrillator guide
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Norman Jaimes, Byron Pérez
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Innovation Grant
March 2014 – May 2015
Virtual manikin for convulsive diagnosis based on facial symptoms
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Norman Jaimes, Byron Pérez
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Scientific Research Grant
Design and Implementation of a motion capture system for3D animation based on an anthropomorphic humanoid robot
PI: Alvaro Uribe Quevedo
Co-applicants: Hernando León, Byron Pérez
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Grant
July – December 2013
Serious game for upper limb exercising
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Grant
July – December 2013
Manikin development for virtual avatar animation
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Grant
February – July 2013
Development of an educational multimedia to use a carpenter’s square in graphical expression
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Grant
February – July 2013
Development of a face expression detection tool using Kinect
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Undergraduate Scientific Initiation Grant
July – December 2012
Postures and gestures detection to monitor physical activity
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
April 2021 – March 2022.
A Literature Review of Immersive Technologies in the Nuclear Energy Sector.
PI: Akira Tokuhiro.
Co-applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo.
Nuclear Innovation Institute
September 2020 – June 2021
Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Serious Game
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Public Services Health and Safety Association Canada
April 2019
Virtual Reality Hands-On Evaluation PSHSA Working at Heights Training
PI: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Industry partner: PSHSA
Infrastructure and Equipment Grant
UOIT Research and Infrastructure Funds RIF
May 2018 – April 2019
Upgrading the Human Machine Laboratory
Main applicant: Miguel Vargas Martin
Co-applicants: Patrick Hung, Amirali Salehi-Abari, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
UOIT Research and Infrastructure Funds RIF
May 2018 – April 2019
UOIT Computational Infrastructure for Artificial Intelligence \
Main applicant: Amirali Salehi-Abari PhD
Co-applicants: alma Karray, Patrick Hung, Miguel Vargas Martin, Khalil El-Khatib, Shahram Heydari, Faisal Qureshi, Christopher Collins, Julie Thorpe, Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Undergraduate Summer Research Awards Program
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council NSERC, Discovery Grant
April - August 2019
Prototyping of a virtual reality walking user interface
Student: Marco Valdez Balderas
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
National Sciences and Engineering Research Council NSERC, Discovery Grant
April - August 2018
Development of an interactive dialogue system prototype for VR in medical applications,
based on motion and gesture user inputs
Student: Jacky Yang
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
MITACS Globalink Program
July 2022 - October 2022
Robot assisted epilepsy virtual reality surgery,
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Student awarded: Kalyan Kumar Paramehwaran
June 2022 - September 2022
Robot assisted epilepsy virtual reality surgery,
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Student awarded: Akshay Sharma
May 2022 - August 2022
Prototyping a smart mirror for polypharmacy,
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Student awarded: Safa Ben Zouari
May 2019 - August 2019
Extending user interactions in virtual, augmented and mixed reality,
Main applicant: Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo
Student awarded: Juan Rodrigo Ponce
Canceled due to COVID-19
JSPS Internship Program
Virtual reality (VR) and its customization for improving task completion effectiveness
Student Awarded: Kody Wood
Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program Scholarship
September 2018 – January 2019.
Development of a lower limb interactive VR scene employing motion data from a smartwatch
Student awarded Alvaro Hernandez
September 2018 – January 2019.
Biomechanical human gait motion capture employing a smartwatch
Student awarded: Alix Angarita
October 2017 - February 2018
Development of an eye examination VR tool for training
Student Awarded: David Acosta.
January-April 2017
Development of a cardiac auscultation game
Student awarded: Sergio Prada